
Consider Dentures to Replace Missing Teeth

You have several options to choose from when you need to replace teeth. Dentures have been in use for decades and they remain a viable option. Here are some of the benefits you will receive when you get them from our dentist in Maple Grove, MN.

Enhanced Ability To Chew Food

When you lose even one tooth, you will likely find it more difficult to chew all of your favorite foods. If you lose a molar, then you may be unable to chew steak, fruits or raw vegetables. This is a problem because you may be more inclined to eat less healthy foods because they’re easier to chew. Replacement teeth allow you to eat everything you crave and you have few restrictions.

Better Cleaning

Trying to brush around missing teeth is tough. Bacteria can get caught in these gaps and people with missing teeth have an increased likelihood of developing gum disease. Since you can remove your dentures, you can clean them thoroughly, which is much easier. As long as you follow Dr. Richard Weimar’s aftercare instructions precisely, your restoration can last for decades.

Real Patients, Real Results
Dr. Richard Weimar – Before and After Images of Patients

Upper Horseshoe Denture, Implant Retained

Reduced Social Awkwardness

When most people lose a tooth, they smile less often. They feel embarrassed or ashamed. This can be a severe problem, especially when the person goes on dates or job interviews where you need to smile. Once you have your restoration in place, you will experience a newfound sense of confidence. This leads to an overall improved quality of life.

Get Dentures From Our Office

Weimar Family Dentistry has the dedication, skill and artistry to give you confidence in your smile once again. If dentures sound like a good fit for you, then you should contact our office to schedule a consultation. We offer numerous other dental restorations, and we will find the perfect one for your needs.

Dr. Richard Weimar

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