While having a new set of beautiful life-looking teeth is rewarding, it can take a little time to become accustomed to wearing your new dentures. The fact is, dentures function and feel different than natural teeth. Sometimes, your new dentures cause gum irritation, and adjusting can be a challenge. It helps to understand that some discomfort is normal, and there are tips to help you transition to dentures more comfortably.
At first, dentures will feel like a foreign object in your mouth. Learning how to speak and eat naturally with dentures takes time, and it’s normal to feel some discomfort during this adjustment period. However, with time, your gums will stabilize and become less irritated. The good news is that you’ll have a beautiful smile you can be proud of, and you will no longer have to worry about the discomfort and pain of unhealthy teeth.
Once you’ve set realistic expectations for adjusting to your dentures, these tips can help you become more comfortable with them:
It may take about 30 days before you’re fully adjusted to the pressure and sensation of wearing new dentures. It’s important not to rush as you try to return to normalcy. If you continue to have excess pain and discomfort after 30 days, speak with your dentist to see if there is an underlying cause.
One issue some patients report with their dentures is that they trigger the gag reflex. This happens when the dentures are too far extended into the back of the mouth. To help control this, one thing you can do is use a numbing throat spray while you get used to your dentures.
At first, stick with soft foods and make reasonable substitutions. For example, instead of popcorn, choose something like softer veggie chips. Foods such as olives are also easy to chew, and they have their own share of health benefits. Instead of seeded breads, go with whole-grain bread without seeds. Replace that juicy chunk of steak with smaller bites of the same steak, or go with ground meat or fish.
As you transition to dentures, Dr. Richard Weimar and the team at Weimar Family & Implant Dentistry in Maple Grove, Minnesota, are here to answer your questions and offer support. Call us today at (763) 275-3080 to learn more about how dentures can improve your quality of life.
Dr. Richard Weimar received his BA and DDS degrees from the University of Minnesota and opened his practice in 1984. He has provided exceptional dental care to Minnesota’s Maple Grove and Brooklyn Park communities for over 30 years.
He is a member of many professional associations, including the Academy of Osseointegration, International Congress of Oral Implantology, and American Society of Dental Anesthesiology.
Dr. Weimar is skilled and experienced in almost all areas of dentistry, including sedation dentistry, implants, one-visit crowns using CEREC technology, and veneers. He is a pioneer in introducing many new technologies in the state as he wanted to provide his patients a comfortable, pain-free, faster, and less expensive dental experience. He educates patients on all procedures so they can make informed decisions about their treatments. His mission is to create a dental office where patients can receive all treatments under one roof.