Can you do it? Can you be happy wearing dentures every day? The answer to each question is “yes,” especially if you know what to expect before you commit to getting dentures. Take a look at these tips for incorporating dentures into your routine and elevating your quality of life with them.
It sounds simple. But in so many cases, just 15 to 20 seconds of extra care for your dentures and gums can make a world of difference in how your dentures feel, and how they smell.
Too much or too little adhesive may make your dentures slide around in your mouth. If you’re still unhappy with the way your dentures fit after experimenting with the amount of adhesive you use, you may need to talk to your dentist to ensure that your dentures are indeed a proper fit.
Sometimes, dentures feel perfect when they’re being fitted, but the imperfections of the fit begin to emerge when they’re used out in the real world. Other times, properly fitting dentures may become a bit warped or even cracked from being handled roughly.
To avoid warping or cracking your dentures, make sure you soak them whenever you’re not wearing them. Keeping them in a liquid solution will protect them from drying and cracking.
Avoid putting your denture in hot water, leaving them in a hot car or exposing them to extreme heat in any other way. Prolonged heat exposure can dry them out and make it easier for them to crack and warp.
Regular visits to the dentist’s office will help keep your gums healthy, minimizing the chances your dentures will become overrun with bacteria and develop an odor.
Be sure to follow your dentist’s aftercare tips if you had decaying teeth extracted to accommodate your new dentures.
Click here to schedule a consultation with a local dentist to find out more about getting dentures in Maple Grove, MN.
Dr. Richard Weimar received his BA and DDS degrees from the University of Minnesota and opened his practice in 1984. He has provided exceptional dental care to Minnesota’s Maple Grove and Brooklyn Park communities for over 30 years.
He is a member of many professional associations, including the Academy of Osseointegration, International Congress of Oral Implantology, and American Society of Dental Anesthesiology.
Dr. Weimar is skilled and experienced in almost all areas of dentistry, including sedation dentistry, implants, one-visit crowns using CEREC technology, and veneers. He is a pioneer in introducing many new technologies in the state as he wanted to provide his patients a comfortable, pain-free, faster, and less expensive dental experience. He educates patients on all procedures so they can make informed decisions about their treatments. His mission is to create a dental office where patients can receive all treatments under one roof.